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What to Organise a CPD Session?

We hold seminars with installers and technicians to deepen their product understanding, strengthen their skills and keep their knowledge up to date. 


If you are interested in organising a CPD session with us, please fill out the form here and we will get back to your requested as soon as possible. 

As a consultant, I need to be on top of changes in legislation and technology and these CPD Seminars get straight to the important points.

Hilson Moran

We get really positive feedback from consultants that these CPD presentations tell them everything they need to know about the key topics affecting the industry and the practical solutions available.

Consultant Sales Manager,
Mitsubishi Electric

CPD Guides

There are a number of factors that affect the changes currently taking place in the construction industry. One of the main changes is the F-Gas phase-down which will affect those involved in the use of refrigerants in air conditioning equipment.

To help guide you through these changes we have two key CPD guides to give you further information on why the Government is enforcing this phase-down of refrigerants, and explain how you and your customers can comply by either choosing low Global Warming Potential (GWP) refrigerants like R32 or use an air conditioning system with lower refrigerant levels such as Hybrid VRF.

F-Gas CPD Guide Hybrid VRF CPD Guide