Why Specify Mitsubishi Electric Products?


We employ local-to-you Sales Engineers who are happy to work alongside you and your practice in order to assist you through our comprehensive HVAC portfolio, so that you can be satisfied you have applied the right product for your project.

Don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone or email so that a face-to-face meeting can be swiftly arranged at a time convenient for you.

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Products and Services

We will work alongside you to look at the project application and help find the best product solution to meet your client’s needs. We can also provide you with BIM files and comprehensive specification documents to help you with your tender package.

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Installation and commissioning

Our range of Partners includes  Business Solutions Partners (BSP) and Accredited Installers (AI). With our BSP Partners, extended warranties can be offered of up to 7 years and with all our Partners your clients can be assured of an excellent standard of aftercare. 


Presentations and training

We can arrange and deliver the latest CPD and product presentations at your offices, at a time convenient to you (a lunch-time seminar for instance). These presentations incorporate the latest legislative and industry ‘topics of the day’ that you require being updated with; our objective is to facilitate your practice in making considered decisions easier, when it comes to selecting the most appropriate technology for a building and its services requirements.


Developing your skills with Mitsubishi Electric